Semalam, 5 Februari 2011 and is my GF's day out with my hunnybees : Azreen Hamiza Abd Aziz and Izreen Roslee. Both are my friends mase diploma. Azreen is the first person I met in UiTM Arau a.k.a my first roomate in Arau while Izreen is her bestfriend which then turn to be mine also.. hihi..
Ekceli sangat lame x hangout with those girls since last sem I guess (lame ke?) Last time we met during Azreen's engagement which I also wrote bout her engagement in this blog.
We met up at Setiawangsa LRT station where Izreen pick me up then we are heading to Gombak, Azreen's house. After diskas punye diskas, kami berkeputusan menuju ke Mid sahaja coz according to Azreen, die da lame x jejak kaki ke Mid. Saya follow je.. janji dapat met dorg cukup.. ngee~
Before we start our 'journey' in Mid, perut yang kosong perlu diisi agar pengembaraan mencuci mata dapat dijalankan dengan sempurna.. hahaha.. Then looking for tempat makan pulak. Manusia kat Mid punye la ramai. Xpernah kot ramai cam ni. Then, we decide to have meal kat Chillis.. Dan ini adalah santapan kami:
Ni Izreen punye beger..
This is my meal- Chiken fire smoke bla bla bla (name panjang sangat)
and this is Azreen's trios fajitas
Haha.. sume meal ni punye la seksa nak abiskan. Tah berapa kali 'Rehat & Rawat' tah. Saling bantu membantu mengahbiskan meal masing2 sehingga kepenatan. Setelah kepenatan beransur (tapi perut masih lagi penuh) kami pun mule la bergossip.. Syok2 bergossip tiba2... jeng jeng jeng....
Sekumpulan lelaki pekerja Chillis datang membawa Vanilla Ice Cream with brownies and on top of it ade candle. Mereka mendekati kami dengan mengejut. Otak saya da mule berfikir, Birhday sape? Birthday saya 2 hari lepas dan so impossible dorang tahu my birthday. Hmm.. Dorang salah meja kot, sepatutnya pegi meja lain, nk je terkeluar kat mulut ni "encik salah meja la, dessert ni bukan milik kami, kami x order pun, mybe orang lain punye" tapi saya fikir lagi, Izreen and Azreen selalu lepak cini, maybe they celebrate birthday Izreen kot coz birthday Izreen 29 January. When i turn to Azreen n Izreen, they also looked surprise. Sah!! Dorang salah anto ni. Dessert ini bukan milik kami. Then the audience and all the customers inside Chillis start singing "happy birhday to you.. happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Hajar... Happy birthday to you." Uhhhh???? Happy birthday to me?? For me?? OMG!!! Its really happen to me??
But, sape yang order? Sape punye plan? Muke mase tu mmg xleh blah la. Terkejut kot. Rupenya that is part of Azreen's plan. Terkojut eden.. But really unexpected surprise from her. Tak nampak langsung sign or hint die yang plan, tah bile die g order, tah bile die g gtau org tu. Mmg she never missed to celebrate my birthday with cake, but i never tot that diz year pun die nk celebrate jugak. Izreen pun same bersubahat tapi xmpk lgsung kesubahatan die.. ish2..BTW, tQ so much to my sis Azreen. ngee~
The left one is Azreen while the white girl is Izreen
p/s: Luv both of u..
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